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The shady pond does not have to be a drab looking pond. Careful selection of plants can offer a great variety of leaf texture and color. Keep in mind that all plants do require a minimum of light. Where possible, I have included additional information:
Shade tolerant hardy zone 4

Comanche, Charlene Strawn, Helvola,

James Brydon, Joey Tomocik, Perry's Baby Red, Pink Sensation, Texas Dawn,Sioux

  Pontederia cordata purple flower spikes.  Long blooming period
  hardy  zone 8. Bright yellow flower persists all summer long. This plant is easy to grow and as the name implies it "creeps" out into the water.
is hardy zone 5. Dark green arrow shaped plants grows 2 to 3' tall. Native plant of North America   Japanese Hardy  zone 3. Grows 2 to 3' tall. Soft textured green and white foliage, hence the name. Nice contrasting plant with green plants in the pond.
Narrow Leaf hardy to zone 4 is very vigorous Flowers are not very but the plant can tolerate shade.   horsetail hardy  zone 5. The jointed stems are very distinct. Horsetail is considered to be evergreen. The regular variety grows 3' tall and the Dwarf Horsetail grows only
6 to 8" tall.
Hardy  zone 6. The flowers are not very significant.   Flowers May -September and has yellow fringed leaves.  Hardy zone 8 or higher.
Hardy zone 8. The large bulbs produce wonderful pure white, fragrant blooms   Blooms spring and summer.  Very unusual flowers.
(lobelia)  burgundy colored "spike" foliage with deep red flowers. Great for hummingbird attraction. Hardy  zone 4. A must for ponds!   The most popular of all the Taros. There are other varieties not listed here. All are hardy to zone 8. Taro is another of my favorite plants. I love the Black Magic variety because of it's unique dusty, burgundy/black colored leaves.
The beautiful double flowers bloom all summer long. The foliage has narrow arrowhead shaped leaves. It grows 2' to 4' tall and is very winter hardy. Hardy Zone 3 or higher. Full sun to part shade   Will take some shade. This is by far the most popular pond plant for people that have Koi as it is salt tolerant. It is also a superb plant of water filtration. The regular species grows 5' tall and the dwarf varieties grow only 1 to 2' tall. They are hardy  zone 8.
Wonderful colors of green, yellow, red to pinkish in color Hardy  zone 4. Creamy white flowers.   Choose from variegated, green or cut leaf varieties. Hardy zone 7. They grow 6"tall. By far this is the most popular plant, very easy to grow.
Hardy zone 4, this Native American plant is very easy to grow. Triangular green foliage. Have unique cream colored blossoms. Grows 1 to 3' tall.   Hardy  zone 4. Great floating plant or potted plant. Grow extra, as fish love this plant too. Loves moving water.
Hardy  zone3, orange-yellow flowers bloom in very early spring very natural looking plant   Is hardy zone 3. Sky blue flowers cover the plant in early spring months. Likes shade and cool, moving water.
Hardy to zone 6 according to books but I have found it survives in my zone 5.
This one of my very favorite plants. I love the way it softens the edges of the pond.
Great floating plant or potted plant. Very easy to grow. Salt tolerant
  Deep yellow flowers blooms from spring until fall.  Hardy zone 8 or higher.
Hardy  zone 6 the round shiny green foliage is very distinct. Likes moving water. So this is a great addition to streams or where there is moving water.   Is the best floating plant for shady ponds. Does NOT like cold water and will quickly deteriorate in cold water. In northern climates do not add until the water has warmed up. Loves moving water. Hardy zone 9.
Note:  Zone hardiness means that the plant is hardy up to that zone number and any lower numbered zone.

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